2024 17-29 july juli

united states of america to wolfsburg /

vereinigte staaten von amerika nach wolfsburg

after years of traveling to the lake for “usa to wörthersee”, in 2024 we will continue our international journeys from the usa to germany, with stops at major automotive locations across the country, finishing at the the gti coming home event in wolfsburg.

we’ll visit factories (audi, liqui moly, hengst filtration), factory museums (audi, bmw, porsche, volkswagen), car shows (gti coming home, tief im wald), headquarters (meyle) and race tracks (we’ll drive the nürburgring, and watch pro racing at hockenheimring).

dates and stops are shown below, but are subject to confirmation and change. you are welcome to meet us along the way..

audi factory tour + museum


bmw museum


jp performance / pace museum


porsche museum


volkswagen museum


hengst filtration factory


liqui moly factory hq


meyle global hq


gti coming home treffen


nürburgring nordschleife


tief im wald treffen


day tagprojected schedule subject to changelocation
17 we mijp performance / pace museumdortmund
Starting point
big boost burger GTG
18 th dohengst filtration factory tourmünster
nürburgring nordschleifenürburg
19 fr frporsche museumstuttgart
kw suspension factory tourfichtenberg
20 sa satief im wald treffen +oberhof
21 su sohockenheimring gt race +mannheim
dinner with liqui moly friendsulm
22 mo moliqui moly private factory tourulm
23 tu dibmw museum münchen
Bavaria GTG
24 we miaudi museumingolstadt
audi factory – private bodyshop tour
25 th domeyle hqhamburg
tourism – hamburghamburg
26 fi frvolkswgen hq museumwolfsburg
gti coming home
27 sa sagti coming home treffenwolfsburg
28 su sogti coming home / tourismwolfsburg
29 mo modeliver cars for export / fly homeemden

all rights reserved, no guarantee or offer of acceptance or tour unless confirmed in writing. not affiliated with any companies or entities under expressly stated. dates subject to change and cancellation at anytime.

presented with these wonderful companies and people :